Specialize yourself in human rights dimensions of forced displacement of human beings through this comprehensive Online Professional Development Diploma programme, comprising five modules, instructed by renowned international experts (Rolling Admissions: Join with any Module)

Sustainable Development

This Online Professional Development Diploma, comprising six modules out of which five must be completed, is instructed by renowned international experts, and focuses on the interface between sustainable development and human rights (Rolling Admissions: Join with any Module).

Check out the range of specialized e-learning courses on various dimensions of human rights offered by the Centre which can be taken both as stand-alone courses or as part of one of our two flagship Online Diplomas.

Discover UPEACE

Upcoming Events


05marAll DayForced Migration and Human Rights (5 March – 15 April, 2025)

19marAll DayDevelopment and Human Rights (19 March – 29 April, 2025)


30aprAll DayTrafficking in Persons (30 April – 10 June, 2025)


14mayAll DayBusiness, Human Rights, and Development (14 May – 24 June, 2025)


25junAll DayProtection of Refugees (25 June – 05 August, 2025)


09julAll DayChild Rights and Development (09 Jul–19 Aug, 2025)


27augAll DayProtection of Stateless Persons (27 Aug–07 Oct, 2025)


03sepAll DayEnvironment, Development, and Human Rights (03 Sep–14 Oct, 2025)


Admissions are open!

Enroll in our Online Diplomas or Courses for professional development and career enhancement for protection of human rights and join a growing global network of professionals within the UPEACE-HRC family.